Exceptional Intelligence
VLucid Platform
Empowered by the insightful VLucid platform, the G86 integrates the new adaptive beam correction technology with high-performance hardware architecture, helping you to make more confident diagnoses with outstanding 2D images and enhanced color performance.Fully customized tools and VLucid’modular energy supply promises you a truly elite and ease unit which decreases the system noise dramatically
Superior General Imaging

Enhanced diagnostic confidenceHigh-quality image resolution and increased uniformity in technically difficult patient with fatty liver
VLuminous FlowAn innovative color flow technology which enhance blood flow visualization and provide an impression of 3D-like flow
Auto RUV MeasurementGreatly simplify the evaluating process and relieve doctors from stressful and time consuming examination
Finger-draw Comment, making remote diagnosis and online training more easy
Superior Superficial Expression

VAid (Vinno Artificial Intelligent Diagnosis)VAid is an AI powered, innovative tool for breast lesion detection in real-time or onstored images (static & cine),it can automatically analyze lesion characteristics and assign the BI_RADS category with one touch of ‘VAid’
Shear wave Elastography Imaging(VShear)A non-invasive method to detect the velocity of the shear-waves propagated through the targeted area and provide quantitative tissue characteristic information
2Gen Xcen Wideband Probe TechnologyUp to 23MHz ultra-high frequency probe, making it possible to research the superficial disease with its high resolution and sensitivity
Superior Women Healthcare
VAim Follicle
One simple click, automatically identifies follicles on a given 2D image, draw its boundary with different colors and measures its volume for a rapid assessment

Effective Pre/Early pregnancy screeningHSG(Hysterosalpingography)Ultrasound 3D imaging combined with microbubble contrast technology, delivering the structure of fallopian tube in three-dimensional
Early pregnancy evaluationThe super-high resolution imaging enables users to evaluate the fetal condition with intuitive visualization of the fetal structures

Dedicated obstetrics care
New volume rendering features provide outstanding 3D/4D imaging.Artificial intelligent technologies for fetal biometric measurement and growth analysis, improving measurement accuracy while reducing exam time.Z-score analysis provides the accurate growth of fetal heart based on the relevant parameters of fetal trunk
Post-partum Pelvic Floor and Newborn Imaging
An artificial intelligent technology for pelvic measurement, VAim Levator Ani and Ant.Pelvic, providing pelvic measurement results with one touch, which enable users to assess pelvic structure for postpartum women in an easier and accurate way
VAim Levator Ani in 3D mode
VAim Ant. Pelvic
VAim Hip
Automatically mark the α and β angle and provide Graf international classification, which is an effective solution for observing the development of neonatal hip joints
Pediatric gastrointestinal examination
The highly advanced transducer allows for excellent detailed resolution and brings reliable diagnosis
Superior Cardiovascular Applications

Advanced cardiac functions
Strain imaging describes the strain curve to underline any myocardial regions either in the same or various images, which can better reflect the strength of local myocardial deformation during systole and diastole, thus reflecting the motion abnormality during the cardiac cycle; Stress Echo cardiography is a non-invasive, dynamic evaluation of myocardial structure and its function under an external stress (exercise or pharmacology)
Curved M modeDraw the route of the sample line freely and obtain the movement information of corresponding myocardial segments

Intelligent Vascular Applications
AMAS( Automatic Measurement of Arterial Stiffness)
AMAS, an automatic tool for cf Pulse Wave Velocity calculation, which is an effective indicator for evaluating arterial stiffness
Carotid artery measurement
Femoral artery measurement
Live IMTLive IMT makes it possible to automatically opens a ROI (region of interest) and calculates the IMT parameters real time scanning
Auto TraceAutomatically trace the PW spectrum with great accuracy and provide hemodynamic indicators such as pressure, heart rate, resistance index, which is convenient for rapid vascular assessment
Streamlined Workflow

VReportAs a customer-centric tool, VReport allows users to define and import the report template, and then the system will auto generate related measurement items based on the imported template, which can greatly improve the work efficiency
VWorkVWork enables users to configure workflows for every application scenario, this leads to easy and effective adherence to a department protocol and saves operation time to a great extent
Customized User InterfaceThe touch screen customization, which can realize icons drag and layout adjustment, making the operation more smooth and convenient
Background TransferArchive supports background export without interrupting the actual scan
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